People always imagined that when they had taken all that they could, and the oil and coal and plastic ran out, that the rivers would run dry, and the plants would die, and humanity would wander until it suffered and died out - in short, the world would end. But it didn't. It just...stopped. That was a long time ago now. People have long since picked up the pieces and started again. But I can't help but look at those lost cities while I travel past, and wonder what life was like before the day the world stopped. 
The Day The World Stopped is a faux movie trailer, utilizing tweening animation, about the story of a young girl named Akari who lives in a world post-fossil fuels, where nature has taken back what has been lost. This far-flung hope for the future is my own take on what a utopia might look like - but when you live in a perfect world, it's only natural to be curious about what came before.
TDTWS Moodboard
TDTWS Moodboard
Scene 5 Still
Scene 5 Still
Scene 5 In-Progress
Scene 5 In-Progress
Scene 1 Sketch
Scene 1 Sketch
Scene 6 Sketch
Scene 6 Sketch
Scene 8 Sketch
Scene 8 Sketch
Akari Model
Akari Model
Bike Model
Bike Model
Deer Model
Deer Model
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